Photos Courtesy of The School at Marygrove
Currently Ongoing Research
The research on how design can impact human emotions is ongoing. We bring you information about some of the most exciting studies currently in process.
Trauma-informed Design Society’s TiDEvalK12
This assessment tool was created through research performed by the Trauma-informed Design Society, with assistance from over 100 participating educators and designers. It can be used to evaluate schools and identify changes in the physical environment that can lower the stress levels of students and staff.
Next steps include the creation of a tool kit with design ideas that can address areas of concern identified by the TiDEvalK12 and, hopefully, a longitudinal study to show its effectiveness. Check back for updates!
Development of a Design Evaluation Tool for Higher Education Campuses
We thrilled to announce an exciting collaboration with Wrexham University (WU) to pioneer the development of a Trauma-informed Design evaluation tool tailored for higher education campuses.
In extending our research to higher education, the research team, will survey students and staff to identify areas where students and staff are
most often dysregulated and potential triggers on WU campuses. This data, combined with a
detailed design assessment, will inform the creation of a tailored Trauma-informed Design
Evaluation Tool for Higher Education Campuses.